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Days Between Quiz> We have prepared a set of Editor's Choice Solutions. You will see them first after you solve the mission. In order to see all other solutions you should change the filter. How old are you in a number of days? It's easy to calculate - just subtract your birthday from today. We could make this a real challenge though and count the difference between any dates. You are given two dates as an a..
Right to Left Quiz> "For centuries, left-handers have suffered unfair discrimination in a world designed for right-handers." Santrock, John W. (2008). Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development. "Most humans (say 70 percent to 95 percent) are right-handed, a minority (say 5 percent to 30 percent) are left-anded, and an indeterminate number of people are probably best described as ambidextrous." Scientific Ame..
Even the Last Quiz> You are given an array of integers. You should find the sum of the integers with even indexes (0th, 2nd, 4th...). Then multiply this summed number and the final element of the array together. Don't forget that the first element has an index of 0. For an empty array, the result will always be 0 (zero). Input: A list of integers. Output: The number as an integer. Example: checkio([0, 1, 2, 3..
Sum Numbers Quiz> In a given text you need to sum the numbers. Only separated numbers should be counted. If a number is part of a word it shouldn't be counted. The text consists from numbers, spaces and english letters Input: A string. Output: An int. Example: sum_numbers('hi') == 0 sum_numbers('who is 1st here') == 0 sum_numbers('my numbers is 2') == 2 sum_numbers('This picture is an oil on canvas ' 'paint..
Split List Quiz> You have to split a given array into two arrays. If it has an odd amount of elements, then the first array should have more elements. If it has no elements, then two empty arrays should be returned. example Input: Array. Output: Array or two arrays. Example: split_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] split_list([1, 2, 3]) == [[1, 2], [3]] def split_list(items: list) -> list: ..
First Word Quiz> You are given a string where you have to find its first word. When solving a task pay attention to the following points: There can be dots and commas in a string. A string can start with a letter or, for example, a dot or space. A word can contain an apostrophe and it's a part of a word. The whole text can be represented with one word and that's it. Input: A string. Output: A string. Examp..
Between Markers Quiz> You are given a string and two markers (the initial and final). You have to find a substring enclosed between these two markers. But there are a few important conditions: The initial and final markers are always different. If there is no initial marker, then the first character should be considered the beginning of a string. If there is no final marker, then the last character should be co..
Elementary Map Before a big journey begins, let's warmup a bit. Some very simple missions will help you remember how to use code as well as how CheckiO works. Don’t forget to check out the solutions of other users. Those are the best! Multiply(Intro) https://py.checkio.org/en/mission/multiply-intro https://developer-ankiwoong.tistory.com/853 Easy Unpack https://py.checkio.org/en/mission/easy-unpack https://dev..