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Popular Words Quiz> In this mission your task is to determine the popularity of certain words in the text. At the input of your function are given 2 arguments: the text and the array of words the popularity of which you need to determine. When solving this task pay attention to the following points: The words should be sought in all registers. This means that if you need to find a word "one" then words like "..
Sort Array by Element Frequency Quiz> Sort the given iterable so that its elements end up in the decreasing frequency order, that is, the number of times they appear in elements. If two elements have the same frequency, they should end up in the same order as the first appearance in the iterable. Input: Iterable Output: Iterable Example: frequency_sort([4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 4]) == [4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 2] frequency_sort(['bob'..
Pawn Brotherhood Quiz> We have prepared a set of Editor's Choice Solutions. You will see them first after you solve the mission. In order to see all other solutions you should change the filter. Almost everyone in the world knows about the ancient game Chess and has at least a basic understanding of its rules. It has various units with a wide range of movement patterns allowing for a huge number of possible diff..
Sun Angle Quiz> Every true traveler must know how to do 3 things: fix the fire, find the water and extract useful information from the nature around him. Programming won't help you with the fire and water, but when it comes to the information extraction - it might be just the thing you need. Your task is to find the angle of the sun above the horizon knowing the time of the day. Input data: the sun rises ..
Digits Multiplication Quiz> We have prepared a set of Editor's Choice Solutions. You will see them first after you solve the mission. In order to see all other solutions you should change the filter. juggler You are given a positive integer. Your function should calculate the product of the digits excluding any zeroes. For example: The number given is 123405. The result will be 1*2*3*4*5=120 (don't forget to exclude ..
Bigger Price Quiz> You have a table with all available goods in the store. The data is represented as a list of dicts Your mission here is to find the TOP most expensive goods. The amount we are looking for will be given as a first argument and the whole data as the second one Input: int and list of dicts. Each dicts has two keys "name" and "price" Output: the same as the second Input argument. Example: bigg..
Second Index Quiz> You are given two strings and you have to find an index of the second occurrence of the second string in the first one. Let's go through the first example where you need to find the second occurrence of "s" in a word "sims". It’s easy to find its first occurrence with a function index or find which will point out that "s" is the first symbol in a word "sims" and therefore the index of the ..
Days Between Quiz> We have prepared a set of Editor's Choice Solutions. You will see them first after you solve the mission. In order to see all other solutions you should change the filter. How old are you in a number of days? It's easy to calculate - just subtract your birthday from today. We could make this a real challenge though and count the difference between any dates. You are given two dates as an a..