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[Disqus]장고 3.x 사용 중 migrate 에러 해결 방법 장고 3.x 버전 사용 중 Disqus를 설정 후 migrate를 하는데 아래와 같은 에러가 발생하였다. Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 21, in main() File "manage.py", line 17, in main execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "C:\Django_Dstagram_Tutorial\venv\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\__init__.py", line 401, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "C:\Django_Dstagram_Tutorial\venv\lib\si..
[WakaTime]Week 2 of May(20.05.11 ~ 20.05.17) WakaTime 20.05.11 ~ 20.05.17 Coding : 28hrs 20mins IDEL : VS Code Language : Python / HTML
[Free Wifi]버스 와이파이 노트북 연결 방법(How to connect a bus wifi laptop) https://developer-ankiwoong.tistory.com/1396?category=795676 [Free Wifi]공공 와이파이 노트북 접속 방법 변경(How to connect to public wifi) 2020.05.21 - [ETC/Software] - [Free Wifi]버스 와이파이 노트북 연결 방법(How to connect a bus wifi laptop) [Free Wifi]버스 와이파이 노트북 연결 방법(How to connect a bus wifi laptop) 출/퇴근을 버스로.. developer-ankiwoong.tistory.com 출/퇴근을 버스로 하는데 요즘 프로젝트 때문에 노트북을 들고 다니는 경우가 많아졌다. 하지만 와이파이를 사용할려해도 잘 되지 않아서 ..
[Django]Blog Creation Tutorial(Translation/Correction) 3 원문> https://matthewdaly.co.uk/blog/2012/03/24/yet-another-tutorial-for-building-a-blog-using-python-and-django-part-3/ Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django - Part 3 - Matthew Daly's Blog 24th March 2012 6:23 pm Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django - Part 3 Welcome back! In this installment, we’ll make some changes to our URL structure for b..
[Django]Blog Creation Tutorial(Translation/Correction) 2 원문> https://matthewdaly.co.uk/blog/2012/03/19/yet-another-tutorial-for-building-a-blog-using-python-and-django-part-2/ Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django – Part 2 - Matthew Daly's Blog 19th March 2012 3:18 pm Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django – Part 2 In the first part of this tutorial, we got the core elements of our blogging applicat..
[Django]Blog Creation Tutorial(Translation/Correction) 1 원문> https://matthewdaly.co.uk/blog/2012/02/24/yet-another-tutorial-for-building-a-blog-using-python-and-django-part-1/ Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django - Part 1 - Matthew Daly's Blog 24th February 2012 4:17 pm Yet Another Tutorial for Building a Blog Using Python and Django - Part 1 While I’m extremely fond of Perl for quick hacks and scripts, and have used PHP a ..
[WakaTime]Week 1 of May(20.05.04 ~ 20.05.10) WakaTime 20.05.04 ~ 20.05.10 Coding : 21hrs 38mins IDEL : VS Code Language : Python / HTML
[WakaTime]Week 5 of April(20.04.27 ~ 20.05.03) WakaTime 20.04.27 ~ 20.05.03 Coding : 26hrs 31mins IDEL : VS Code Language : Python / HTML