We have prepared a set of Editor's Choice Solutions.
You will see them first after you solve the mission.
In order to see all other solutions you should change the filter.
Let's teach the Robots to distinguish words and numbers.
You are given a string with words and numbers separated by whitespaces (one space).
The words contains only letters.
You should check if the string contains three words in succession.
For example, the string "start 5 one two three 7 end" contains three words in succession.
A string with words.
The answer as a boolean.
checkio("Hello World hello") == True
checkio("He is 123 man") == False
checkio("1 2 3 4") == False
checkio("bla bla bla bla") == True
checkio("Hi") == False
How it is used:
This teaches you how to work with strings and introduces some useful functions.
The input contains words and/or numbers. There are no mixed words (letters and digits combined).
0 < len(words) < 100
def checkio(words: str) -> bool:
return True or False
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(checkio("Hello World hello"))
assert checkio("Hello World hello") == True, "Hello"
assert checkio("He is 123 man") == False, "123 man"
assert checkio("1 2 3 4") == False, "Digits"
assert checkio("bla bla bla bla") == True, "Bla Bla"
assert checkio("Hi") == False, "Hi"
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to review your tests and earn cool rewards!")
1. 초기값 지정
def checkio(words: str):
count = 0
2. split() : 문자열 나누기
def checkio(words: str):
for word in words.split():
3. isalpha : 문자열이 알바벳으로 구성 되어있는지 확인하는 메소드
문자로 구성 되어있으면 count + 1
def checkio(words: str):
if word.isalpha():
count += 1
4. 그 이외는 0
def checkio(words: str):
count = 0
5. 카운터가 3이 넘으면 True
def checkio(words: str):
if count >= 3:
return True
6. False 반환
def checkio(words: str):
return False
def checkio(words: str):
count = 0
for word in words.split():
if word.isalpha():
count += 1
count = 0
if count >= 3:
return True
return False
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(checkio("Hello World hello"))
assert checkio("Hello World hello") == True, "Hello"
assert checkio("He is 123 man") == False, "123 man"
assert checkio("1 2 3 4") == False, "Digits"
assert checkio("bla bla bla bla") == True, "Bla Bla"
assert checkio("Hi") == False, "Hi"
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to review your tests and earn cool rewards!")
Coding complete? Click 'Check' to review your tests and earn cool rewards!
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