You are the owner of a cafe where 3 chefs work: a JapaneseCook, RussianCook and ItalianCook.
(당신은 3 명의 요리사가 일하는 카페의 주인 인 JapaneseCook, RussianCook 및 ItalianCook입니다.)
Each of them can prepare the national food and beverage:
(그들 각각은 국가 음식과 음료를 준비 할 수 있습니다 : )
- JapaneseCook: Sushi and Tea;(초밥과 차; )
- RussianCook: Dumplings and Compote;( 만두와 콩트)
- ItalianCook: Pizza and Juice.(피자와 주스.
Your task is to create 3 different subclasses (one for each chef) which are the children of an AbstractCook and have these methods:
(당신의 임무는 AbstractCook의 자식이며 다음과 같은 세 가지 하위 클래스 (각 요리사마다 하나씩)를 만드는 것입니다.)
- add_food(food_amount, food_price), which add to the client's order the value of the food which he had chosen;
(고객의 주문에 그가 선택한 음식의 가치를 더합니다.)
- add_drink(drink_amount, drink_price), which add to the client's order the value of the drink which he had chosen;
(클라이언트의 주문에 그가 선택한 음료의 가치를 더합니다.
- total(), which returns a string like: 'Foods: 150, Drinks: 50, Total: 200', and for the each chef instead of the Foods and Drinks will be the national food and drink that he’s used.
(200'과 같은 문자열을 반환하며, Foods and Drinks 대신 각 요리사가 사용하는 국가 식품 및 음료입니다)
Every client can choose only one chef. In this mission the Abstract Factory design pattern could help.
(모든 고객은 한 명의 요리사 만 선택할 수 있습니다. 이 임무에서 Abstract Factory 디자인 패턴이 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
client_1 = JapaneseCook()
client_1.add_food(2, 20)
client_1.add_drink(5, 4)
client_1.total() == "Sushi: 40, Tea: 20, Total: 60"
client_2 = RussianCook()
client_2.add_food(1, 40)
client_2.add_drink(5, 20)
client_2.total() == "Dumplings: 40, Compote: 100, Total: 140"
client_3 = ItalianCook()
client_3.add_food(2, 20)
client_3.add_drink(2, 10)
client_3.total() == "Pizza: 40, Juice: 20, Total: 60"
All data here will be correct and you don't need to implement the value checking.
(여기에있는 모든 데이터는 정확하며 값 확인을 구현할 필요가 없습니다.)
Input: Statements and expressions of the 3 chefs’ classes.
(3 명의 요리사 클래스의 문장 및 표현.)
Output: The behaviour as described.
(설명 된대로 동작)
How it is used: Work with classes and object-oriented programming is considered to be on a much higher skill level which you should reach in order to put Python to full use.
(클래스 사용 및 객체 지향 프로그래밍은 Python을 최대한 활용하기 위해 도달해야하는 훨씬 높은 기술 수준으로 간주됩니다.)
Precondition: All data is correct.
(모든 데이터가 정확합니다.)
class AbstractCook:
def __init__(self):
self.food_total_price = 0
self.drink_total_price = 0
def add_food(self, food_amount, food_price):
self.food_total_price += food_amount * food_price
def add_drink(self, drink_amount, drink_price):
self.drink_total_price += drink_amount * drink_price
def total(self):
f, d = self.food_total_price, self.drink_total_price
return f'{self.food}: {f}, {self.drink}: {d}, Total: {f + d}'
class JapaneseCook(AbstractCook):
food, drink = 'Sushi', 'Tea'
class RussianCook(AbstractCook):
food, drink = 'Dumplings', 'Compote'
class ItalianCook(AbstractCook):
food, drink = 'Pizza', 'Juice'
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
client_1 = JapaneseCook()
client_1.add_food(2, 30)
client_1.add_food(3, 15)
client_1.add_drink(2, 10)
client_2 = RussianCook()
client_2.add_food(1, 40)
client_2.add_food(2, 25)
client_2.add_drink(5, 20)
client_3 = ItalianCook()
client_3.add_food(2, 20)
client_3.add_food(2, 30)
client_3.add_drink(2, 10)
assert client_1.total() == "Sushi: 105, Tea: 20, Total: 125"
assert client_2.total() == "Dumplings: 90, Compote: 100, Total: 190"
assert client_3.total() == "Pizza: 100, Juice: 20, Total: 120"
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")
Coding complete? Let's try tests!
Process finished with exit code 0
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